Quality Philosophy and Product Warranty

1. Quality Philosophy

Karo has been manufacturing office chairs and casino seating since 1986. Our key objective is to satisfy our customers by providing them with high-quality solutions that are both reliable and cost‐effective. To achieve this objective, Karo is committed to a process of continuous improvement in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System.

At Karo, all our products are designed and manufactured through a participative approach between our design engineers, our suppliers, and, most importantly our customers. Once the relevant information has been gathered from all the parties, design concepts and fabricated prototypes are refined in accordance with our quality procedures, current research in ergonomics, industrial physiology and market trends.

Our commitment to quality, our state-of-the-art ERP system, and our relentless employee training and development, ensures that quality is synonymous with the Karo philosophy of continuous improvement. This integrated approach towards quality allows us to confidently offer customers an extended warranty on all our products.

2.  Product Warranty

The warranty period on all casino chairs sold by Karo in Australia is 7 years. Refer to our Product Warranty for all Terms and Conditions regarding warranty claims.

More information on Karo casino seating


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